Nominations for the Canadian Network of Community Land Trusts’ Board of Directors are currently open until October 12, 2023.



The CNCLT Board of Directors provides a governance and oversight role for the growing network. Serving as a Director is an exciting opportunity to contribute to the development of the fledgling network and overall growth of the CLT sector.



During our inaugural Annual General Meeting (AGM) on October 20th, CNCLT will be transitioning from a five-person appointed board to an 11-person elected board.

CNCLT is seeking the election of:

  • four (4) directors to serve three-year term
  • four (4) directors to serve a two-year term
  • three (3) directors to serve a one-year term

Thereafter, newly elected directors shall be elected for two-year terms. Directors may stand for re-election 2 more terms, after which they may not be a candidate for election to any seat for at least 1 year.



  • Any person who is a Board director or staff of a CNCLT member in good standing may stand for election.
  • Only voting members in good standing can nominate individuals to the Board. Voting membership consists of community land trust members.



  • Potential candidates should send a completed application form to the board by October 12, 2023.
  • The Board will assess whether candidates have the experience and qualifications required of Directors. Only those candidates who have successfully completed the nominations process are presented to the membership for election at the AGM. Nominations will not be accepted from the floor at the AGM.
  • Voting members will elect 11 Directors to the board.



To submit interest in being nominated to the Board, review and complete the following:

  1. Application (EN/FR)
  2. Board Diversity Matrix (go to File>Download)
  3. Full Job Description

A and B must be completed and forwarded to Nat Pace, Network Director, at by October 12, 2023.